A Service that Incorporates Hospitality, Music, Message, & Liturgy.
Ancient Faith in Modern Times
Authenticity & Warmth
Real People with Real Stories
Holistic Messages that are Relevant to Life
Simplicity & Integration
Creativity & Community
Ministries for All Ages & Great Childcare
Steadfast Loyalty to the Enduring Doctrines of Historic Christianity
Our Services - Hospitality isn't just a southern trait, more importantly it's a Bible way of life and itself is an act of worship that reflects unity among God's Poeple and an open seat for those visiting. We genuinely enjoy each other's company, shaking hands, talking, etc. Music of many forms has always been used by God's People in worship. We try our best to choose songs with both musical and lyrical quality. The Message is a central way we hear God's Voice and receive His direction for life. We make much of Jesus! Liturgy is simply a framework into which God pours His wonder and glory. Ex: Saying the Lord's Prayer, Celebrating Communion, etc.
Ancient Faith in Modern Times - For 1000's of years, when God's People gathered there are four things that were central: 1) Hospitality, 2) Music, 3) Message, 4) Liturgy. All of these together comprised the Worship Event. God places a premium on hospitality and we will do our best to show you a charitable spirit. From early Christians singing accappella in homes, to choirs in cathedrals, or families on a front porch, God has always been worshipped with music and we do our best. God's Word is not a "Dummies Guide for Life," but rather the great epic ever written. It is truth, it is bursting with life, it is practical, it is sacred, and we preach it that way. Everyone does liturgy, whether formal or informal. Liturgy is just a creative framework into which God can pour His Wonder & Glory. At times we'll say the Lord's Prayer or Apostles' Creed together. In seasons, we have creative communion, stories, etc.
Authenticity & Warmth- All churches should strive to be: 1) Like Jesus, 2) Themselves. You are welcome as you are. This is the perfect place for imperfect people. Our smiles are real. Meeting new people in a new place can be scary, but know that we truly care about people.
Real People with Real Stories - Our folks come from all types of life situations & backgrounds and all over the country. The truth is that we love living and walking in community. God loves uniting diverse people into One Church.
Holistic Messages - Our pastors are blue collar guys with white collar educations. You're likely to hear some Greek or Hebrew coupled with the stories of everyday life. (red-lights, baseball, farming, grocery shopping, parenting, pets, etc.) God's Word is true, it is living, it is practical, and they study quite hard to help us see that each week!
Simplicity & Integration - We do a few things and try to do them very well. The speed of life is fast, so we try to structure what we do to match the normal patterns of folk's schedules. Everything revolves around "Love, Connect, Grow, Serve" and if it doesn't fit that we don't do it. We prefer to streamline rather than crowd our schedules! The messages from Sundays & Wednesday are integrated, and you'll receive take-home readings & challenges that keep you grounded in ONE message all week. Further, the Teens' & Kids' ministries often follow the same Bible stories or truths which the Adults are walking through. We call this "Staying in the Story," it builds incredible unity, stimulates fascinating discussions & insights, and keeps our lives integrated, healthy, & whole! (It's a huge help for parents as it enables them to engage what their kid's are learning about Jesus!)
Creativity & Community - God loves creativity! Want proof? Look to nature, mountains, the beach, constellations, each other. Part of the Image of God that humans bear is creativity. We celebrate creativity! We have fellas who build creative communion tables & props; we have ladies who paint exquisite works.
Ministries for the Entire Family - Men, Women, Teens, Kid's.
Steadfast Loyalty to the Enduring Doctrines of Historic Christianity - God does not change and His Truth does not change. We are not out to reinvent faith. Fresh but genuine expression of faith in our time and culture is our goal. The Crossing is a theologically solid church.